
Photo by Khai Sze Ong on Unsplash


VTK was designed with a few things in mind, inspired by PEP 20. These collectively are known as The Zen of Python.

  1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
  2. Explicit is better than implicit.
  3. Simple is better than complex.
  4. Complex is better than complicated.
  5. Readability counts.

Contributions and uses of VTK should follow this if possible. They are like the ten commandments of the Python community.


VTK is released to the community under the MIT license, which gives the user permission to:

  1. Use VTK to make money.
  2. Distribute VTK as necessary.
  3. Modify VTK to fit your own purposes.
  4. Privately use VTK without permission of the author.

The only condition is a license and copyright notice appear if you copy the whole of, or substantial portions of, the VTK project for your own project. This does not apply if you are simply using VTK as a dependency of your project.

It also makes clear that the authors of VTK aren’t liable if your use causes injury or monetary problems, and that we don’t guarantee support for it.